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January 16, 2004

Something in the air?

Squip reckons it could be something in the air and she refers to this story which is just dying for a quote:

A farmer in eastern China didn't realise his bride was really a man until her fake breasts fell off.

Mind you that was six days AFTER they got married. The key punchline however comes at the end of the article:

Arranged marriages are common in parts of rural China where men greatly outnumber women because of the country's one-child policy.

Oh really? I though men outnumbered women because of female infanticide (and late abortions) not due to the one-child policy. Then again what would I know? I am just a hick from a backwards country that gets lectured by China on social responsibility.

Posted by Ozguru at January 16, 2004 03:01 PM


I'll remind my man to check me frequently for false parts.

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 16, 2004 03:01 PM

I've seen your site icon. Don't think there is any risk of things falling off. Your icon also suggests that you are unlikely to have this problem either :-) :-) I just can't believe it took six days to find out. Oh well.

Posted by: ozguru at January 16, 2004 03:01 PM

I think the husband may well have benefitted from some early sex education - possibly a guide to the human physiognomy - or a decent eyetest and some spectacles!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at January 16, 2004 03:01 PM