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January 17, 2004

Visitor 3K

This time it was a real visitor (not just me) and they were referred from Jay Solo. So if you were reading Jay Solo and then popped over here, feel free to claim your prize ....

Posted by Ozguru at January 17, 2004 08:01 AM


A small doubt. What's the diff between hits and no of visitors? Which is more credible in terms of gauging poularity of a blog?

Posted by: Ravages at January 17, 2004 08:01 AM

Visitors. Hits are everything a browser loads. So if you have a page with a stylesheet and a banner you get 3 hits for that one page (the browser loads the page, stylesheet and banner). So hits don't really tell you anything.

Posted by: Kathy K at January 17, 2004 08:01 AM

Really neither hits nor visitors are a good gauge but visitors is probably the best thing we have. As Kathy K pointed out, hits don't mean much at all. Visitors are people who load a whole page, there are also visitors who load the rss feed - this won't register at all. Now I don't know any better measurements but I am happy to consider them. In the meantime, the visitor pages are just fun. Out of interest, the way I read most sites is via the RSS feed which is why I am aware of it. Given recent discussion about feeding css via rss, maybe it would be possible to feed a html-only counter as well.

Posted by: Ozguru (Archive) at January 17, 2004 08:01 AM