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January 19, 2004

Odds and Sods ....

Today has been pretty busy and I haven't had time to post much. Thanks for all the responses (both public and private) to the Scum post. There is a Blog Roundup albeit a little less organised than usual.

Things I would like to have posted about include:
- Norbizness has a real domain now (with MT)
- Jay Solo has announced a new blog "Accidental Verbosity" (also MT)
- Melodrama has gone missing but claims to be anonymous somewhere.
- Dog Snot Diaries is introducing the phrase "culturalist" (as opposed to "racist") - i.e. it is not someone's race that bothers you but their adopted cultural values.
- VRWC has an interesting post about gun laws that sort of follows up stuff that a number of blogs have been commenting on lately.
- Jim O'Halloran talks about Sco vs IBM happening to you.
- Burningbird comments on a different (but possibly related) comment spam attack (thanks Cindy for the pointer).

Tomorrow may be a little quieter and I'll try and get some real posting done.

Posted by Ozguru at January 19, 2004 09:01 PM
