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January 23, 2004


I work in the computer industry so like all geeks I back up my stuff regularly.... like at least once in a blue moon. One of the reasons that there was only one post yesterday was that I spend some good posting time hunting through old backups. You see I am migrating all the older material to the Archive site so that I have more control over the SSBF's. As part of this process I found some posts from June that were missing their images and the images were not where they should have been (i.e. in the backups).

This morning I upgraded my archive disk drives with the new LaCie firmware patch and in the process found an image copy of my system from August 2003. In there were my pictures. Whew. After all that effort, I figured you would want to see them again. The series was called 'Why Women Live Longer Than Men' (click on the image for the full sized picture).

Original post: 2003/06/23

Original post: 2003/06/25

Original post: 2003/06/28

Original post: 2003/07/02

Posted by Ozguru at January 23, 2004 06:01 PM


That is cited as a brilliant ad campaign in a book called "No Copy Advertising" (Sorry, don't have a hyperlink to hyperlink to). Nice piece of work that was, as far as advertising goes. Beyond that, mmm..not sure

Posted by: Ravages at January 23, 2004 06:01 PM

"I work in the computer industry so like all geeks I back up my stuff regularly.... like at least once in a blue moon." I wonder why that one isn't in the 'Geek Code'? (But it's true...).

Posted by: Kathy K at January 23, 2004 06:01 PM