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January 24, 2004

Waking Up Female

Both Dusting My Brain and My Boyfried is a Twat are asking the same question (actually two questions but given I'm male, only one question): "What would I do if I woke up female".

Obviously it wouldn't be hard to come up with a trivial response or one with lots of loaded suggestions (see the comments on both posts) but how about a serious response?

I had the immense pleasure of completing a qualification in Cognitive Science which requires you to study a whole lot of stuff you spend most of an engineering / IT career trying to avoid. We had to do some medicine, physiology, psychology, linguistics, etc in addition to the main topic (for me) of AI. One of the lecturers spent some time discussing the differences between male and female brains as detected during routine brain scan activities. This completely un-PC research had happened by accident when they noted that male brains were active in different way to female brains during a scan. This was eventually tracked down to cracks in the ceiling paint which formed a pattern. The conclusion was that women noticed the paint and ignored it while men trying to find a pattern in the cracks (and did not on a conscious level notice the paint at all). At great risk to their careers (in a PC world), the scientists involved when on and tried to catalogue the differences experimentally which included: women recover faster from strokes that affect the language centre (because they have two language centres), men appear to have no conscious control over pattern recognition (women do) and all sorts of other goodies. The last reference I can remember reading was an investigation into some unfortunate people who are XY chromosomes but unable to produce testosterone (i.e. genetically male but physically female) to try and discover whether the brain changes were genetic or hormonal (I don't know the results).

Now, if I did wake up female BUT I keep my male brain then I could take over the world. I would be the only woman in existence who really, truly, understood men. I would train other women in techniques to subdue males because, lets face it, male appetites are quite simple and easily satisfied while us women (remember I am role playing here) have much wider tastes. Unlike males who experience one need at a time, women can achieve enjoyment on multiple levels.

On the other hand, if I did wake up female I would probably have lost that bit of my brain that understood being male.... I would however be far more eloquent and a much better blogger as a result :-)

[P.S. Just to show I can stoop to the gutter with the best of them, you could always check out this post (and click on the images for the full details).]

Posted by Ozguru at January 24, 2004 10:01 AM



Posted by: Cindy at January 24, 2004 10:01 AM

p.s. Now I must blog about this. I hope you don't have a problem with my working title of "Dude Looks Like a Lady"... do you?

Posted by: Cindy at January 24, 2004 10:01 AM

that wasn't my question really, ozguru, but i could bend it a little bit if you want.

Posted by: zed at January 24, 2004 10:01 AM

Dude Looks Like a Lady In response to my previous post regarding Zoe's post about waking up as the opposite sex/what would you do - Ozguru of GDay Mate presents us with a serious response. He writes, on Waking Up Female: "Now, if I...

Posted by: Dusting My Brain at January 24, 2004 10:01 AM