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January 26, 2004

Happy MacBirthday

This weekend (it is a long weekend here - so Monday is still part of the weekend) there are just too many things going on and I an getting behind on my blogging. The first thing was (of course) the birthday of Rabbie Burns. The second things was Australia Day (posts still to come) and the third things was the 20th anniversary of the Mac.

Given the backlog of Australia Day posts, I have decided to skip any comments on the 20th anniversary but instead to point out some of the other celebrations or articles that I have staggered over as I blundered around the web. The best place to start would be this tribute (from Dusting My Brain). Then check out SATR.

After those blog entries, try the following (in no particular order): MacSlash, MacRumors (copy of the original press release), MacCentral, and MacWorld.

Finally round things off with This interview with Steve Jobs.

P.S. Just in case you thought that MacBirthday was something celebrated at MacDonalds and you came here via a search engine, I have (actually PD has) a special treat for you.

Posted by Ozguru at January 26, 2004 07:01 AM
