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January 27, 2004

Farewell Melodrama

According to comments found by PD: You Relax, Melodrama (no link now) has retired. There is someone else trying to take advantage of the fairly well known URL but it isn't Melodrama.

There will be some who do not miss her but I always appreciated her way of looking at things from a different perspective and her willingness to explain matters of Indian culture that I was unsure about. All the best with whatever you do in the future Melodrama.

Posted by Ozguru at January 27, 2004 05:01 AM


Blog Roundup Well last week we ended up with four instead of five and I promised that this week I would try for an extra one. As it turned out, that wasn't a difficult promise because one of the random choices this

Posted by: GDay Mate - Reviews at January 27, 2004 05:01 AM