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January 28, 2004

Give Up Again

Yesterday I was talking with some friends about how the media can often twist a story to suit some ulterior motive and then I can across this story at the BBC which was just crying out for some editing. It is a followup to yesterday's post:

On Tuesday, President Chirac stepped up his criticism of Taiwan's ballot, describing it as threat to stability in South East Asia.

Well he certainly is a threat if he keeps this up. He goes on to say: "All initiatives that can be interpreted as aggressive by one side or the other are dangerous for everyone and thus irresponsible". Well if I was in Taiwan then I would claim that China and France talking together was aggressive. I would also claim that French interference in Asia was aggressive. That would imply that Jacky Cognac was being irresponsible....
Surely it is time to recognise reality. China has no more claim over Taiwan than Taiwan has over China. If you want to go down the "used to be part of China" route then you need to be prepared to hand back Korea, Japan, and lots of other places. Just be practical - the two are different countries with different governments. One is called PRC and the other is ROC. No big deal.

By the way, check out the BBC article for a photo of President Cognac holding hands with Premier Who.

Posted by Ozguru at January 28, 2004 12:01 PM


Off Sick Due to an overload of stress I am home today with a migraine. That means it will be a light-blogging day - at least until the panadine forte kicks in. BTW, did everyone see the disappointing news about Billy's knighthood:Note that as Bill will not be d...

Posted by: GDay Mate at January 28, 2004 12:01 PM