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January 29, 2004

More on Email

After a very long night (trying to make sure the spam was not being routed by my home server) I ended up implementing incoming scanning on all mail. Mind you it is much harder to pull an all-nighter now than it used to be when I was young (and foolish - although come to think of it, that part hasn't changed yet). Anyway, I am confident now that my server is not relaying the crap and that any incoming spam mail is being filtered before it hits my local users. Phew.

An extra big thanks to Jason for helping me debug a problem (next time I must remember to stop and start mail not just reload the configuration - see what I said about foolish).

If you are interested in configuring a similar system:

Sanitizing Mail on Panther Server by Jason Deraleau -- With Mac OS X Server 10.3, Apple has replaced Apple Mail Server with Postfix, which allows you to use common UNIX and open source tools to perform various tasks with your mail. One of these tools, Procmail, lets mail messages be processed with special "recipes," such as the Anomy Sanitizer. Here's how to set it up.

Posted by Ozguru at January 29, 2004 07:01 AM


good site!

Posted by: green-tx.com at January 29, 2004 07:01 AM