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January 29, 2004

Swallow before Clicking

I found this little snippit at Practical Penumbra:

I just read a very amusing post, Trial Lawyer's Prayer, that was not written by my dear Tiger. And so, Lord, if we aren't able to settle the case in the morning, and if the Judge doesn't cancel the trial so that he can go fishing, which, as you know,...

So I had to go and read the whole prayer which includes this lovely bit of negotiation:

On the other hand, Lord, if it be your plan that before I win, and cement my reputation as a trial lawyer of the first rank, my opponent and I will actually have to engage in courtroom battle, then as your humble servant I will accept your judgment. However, please keep in mind that an early settlement is certainly the better option, as it would immediately alleviate the stress on my heart, and allow me to get some much-needed sleep. You should also know, Lord, that an early settlement will free up my Sundays for at least the next month, making it no problem at all to drop by for the guitar Mass, which is my personal favorite, and which, as you know, always makes me tap my foot and occasionally, sing out loud.

Can anyone else picture the response: "that's all I need another foot-tapping out-of-tune lawyer in the guitar mass" :-)
Read the whole prayer - it is well worth the effort of clicking on the link.

Posted by Ozguru at January 29, 2004 12:01 PM


Wow, very sweet nlog

Posted by: propecia at January 29, 2004 12:01 PM

Thanks #3 I admit to being unschooled in the most blawgfully proper way of expressing my appreciation to those who have taken a look at this site and participated in one way or another. So I'm just going to continue doing it

Posted by: Notes from the (Legal) Underground at January 29, 2004 12:01 PM