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January 29, 2004

Go Easy on the Grass

At least we know what Billy was rabbiting on about the other day when he claimed that all SPAM would just go away. Apparently he has entered some alternate reality because he followed that stellar performance up with an even better one in London. Let me quote directly from the every-humorous As the Apple Turns:

Let us set one thing straight: the odor emanating from Bill Gates in London as he publicly casts wildly unsupported (and unsupportable) aspersions on the security in Mac OS X is not fear. Bill isn't scared of Mac OS X, because Microsoft is way too huge an entity to be seriously threatened by, well, anything at this point, so what you're smelling off of Bill is presumably whatever substance he ingests that lets him stand up in front of a crowd and tell them that Windows is so much more secure than Mac OS X or Linux even as people in his audience are scrambling from the room to answer frantic emergency pages about havoc caused by the MyDoom worm.

Seriously, how can you have a reasonable argument with a guy who's so baked he actually said out loud that "hackers are good for maturation" of Windows, because they prompt Microsoft to fix problems that shouldn't have been there in the first place? The customers must love hearing that; we bet all over the world IT managers are saying, "well, my company has lost millions in productivity due to virus infections over the past year or so, but hey, as long as they're good for Microsoft."

So next time I stay up all night trying to sort out the spam crap that is flooding my server from half baked Windblows boxes I can just reassure myself that at least it was good for Billy-Boy.

Posted by Ozguru at January 29, 2004 12:01 PM
