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January 30, 2004

Off Sick

Due to an overload of stress I am home today with a migraine. That means it will be a light-blogging day - at least until the panadine forte kicks in.

BTW, did everyone see the disappointing news about Billy's knighthood:

Note that as Bill will not be dubbed, those of you entertaining the slim hope that the sword might slip will be severely disappointed.

Naturally that is exactly what I had been hoping for in this post. Maybe instead the Queen could charge him an annual licence fee to use the knighthood with upgrades (at his expense) at her pleasure.

It could be that The Register got that idea from my site but it is much more likely that it was an obvious suggestion to anyone with half a brain-cell and a dislike of Billy Boy. Another possible reader could be in the Taiwanese parliament because after this post, the BBC reported this story (an a repeat of the hand holding picture). Then again maybe that is another half brain-cell idea.

In a completely unrelated matter, I found this quiz over at The Gray Monk:

"[To] serve God properly we must learn to give up our own wills, thoughts, and desires. Why?
Because otherwise we will be wise in our own conceits and will imagine that we can serve
God with this or that, and thus spoil everything."
You are John Calvin!

You're the most intellectual and thoroughly intense theologian on the block. You know what
you're talking about and you recommend people to ignore you at their own risk.
Yeah, baby, you know your stuff. You speak in riddles and confuse people for fun. Still,
this hurts your social skills a lot... and you end up always appearing arrogant and rude.

What theologian are you?

A creation of Henderson

P.S. This article prepared in a drug induced stupor around 10 this morning but not posted until now.

P.P.S. In case you were wondering, this post is my response to the Top Ten Rules of Blogging as specified by The Politburo Diktat. For funnier, ironic, alternatives; check the links.

P.P.P.S. I forgot to obey rule 7 with the A/S/L which would be: too old/yes please/sitting in bed. What else can you expect from a not-very-bright non-political alien.

Posted by Ozguru at January 30, 2004 12:01 PM


If this was longer, you would have broken Rule #4. Nice job anyway. :)

Posted by: The Commissar at January 30, 2004 12:01 PM

Lol! You broke the "rules" but with flair : )

Posted by: Idle at January 30, 2004 12:01 PM

Rules For Blogging Go to Tomfoolery scroll down to Rules for Bloggers as I can't link it directly, read, absorb, then go to the The Politburo Diktat and read his ten rules for bloggers. Now as to the "A/S/L" my response is "legal/been so long I forgot/bed ...

Posted by: Mind of Mog at January 30, 2004 12:01 PM

Pretentious Twat Mr. James Joyce, of "Kuro5hin" wrote: In the past, blogging was an interesting pastime. Now, with the advent of the ridiculously popular weblog package Movable Type, the Web is in risk of drowning under a tidal wave of morons who...

Posted by: The Politburo Diktat at January 30, 2004 12:01 PM