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January 31, 2004


Over the Christmas / New Year period, Aussie Courier introduced us to a new board game called Carcassonne. It is easy to play but a lot of fun. I suggest that you track it down and start with a simple sub-set of the rules and then gradually extend (for example we started the kids playing with no farmers - just thieves and knights). One night as we were packing up, my wife and I decided to build the biggest city we could and here is the result (as usual click on the picture for a larger image):

Any players out there who can build a bigger one (this uses the original and the two main expansion packs). Assuming that dual cathedrals score the same as an individual cathedral I think the main city in that image is worth (52 tiles + 13 shields) * 3 = 195 points.

Posted by Ozguru at January 31, 2004 11:01 PM
