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February 03, 2004

Hit Me With a Clue Stick

A reader just pointed out that I had not updated the Blog-Roll as promised a couple of months ago. Of course I have. I looked on the test site and it was current. Then I looked in TypePad and it wasn't. Sorry about that. If you check now it should be fixed.

I am currently trying out BlogRoll and Blo.gs to find the best solution for my own blog roll and also to set up a blog roll for USURP. Of the two, I like the interface to blo.gs (easy to add and delete on their site) but there are restrictions (only once per hour for the opml data) and I would have to format that into an include for TypePad (or write some Java Script stuff). BlogRoll gives you bookmarklets to add blogs but I don't like the interface as much. They also give you the java script ready made so that you can just plug it into your web page. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

I'll give it to this weekend and then make a call. Maybe blo.gs for me and blogroll for USURP?

P.S. I know I could make the USURP roll static but that makes it harder to maintain. I also want to poke the logo and main site at the top of the list which means a bit of fiddling. If that works, the members can simply put one include or one java script in their index template and they get the logo and all the links.

P.P.S. I don't profess to know everything and if you have some alternate ideas - hit me with another clue stick.

Posted by Ozguru at February 3, 2004 07:02 AM


I use WordPress, links feature is a lot like Blogrolling Plus. I had the premium service before upgrading to WordPress. Main advantage for me is unlimited blogrolls and page loads are fast, no stalling cause Blogrolling is down which happens all too often. I also have a favorites page at Blo.gs but haven't tried using them. Their site has undergone some changes and currently frustrates me. I would like to see a list of all recently updated blogs but can't find one. Note WordPress users are almost as rabid in support of their software as Mac users are. I be both.

Posted by: mog at February 3, 2004 07:02 AM