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February 03, 2004

I Won An Award

Quite apart from staggering (blindingly drunk) back into the Maurading Marsupial category, I have apparently won as the blog Most Likely To Take Sabbatical To Live, Jane Goodall-Style, Amongst a Colony of Bandicoots.

Check out the other winners in post one, post two and post three.

Update: I forgot to mention that I passed the 7K mark yesterday as well. If it was you, you know what to do.

P.S. I know they were predictions but it sounds better as an award.....

Posted by Ozguru at February 3, 2004 12:02 PM


A colony of Bandicoots, eh? Well congrats to you on your award - and if it's any consolation, I've been hanging by my fingertips along with the other flappy birds ... I ain't gettin' nowhere fast! :-) p.s. strolled on over to that blog of mine only to be denied access...go figure. the servers in alberta must be acting up again. and that's all the news for now!

Posted by: Cindy at February 3, 2004 12:02 PM

Congrats - but, don't let the Bandicoots get ya!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at February 3, 2004 12:02 PM