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February 04, 2004

Past, Present, Future

Over at Firebrand's Desiderata I found this article which looks like another of those Friday 5 type ideas. It appears to be from GreyDuck.

PAST: I remember those pre-teen days when having a pocketful of change gave me a sense of financial independence. What did you first do for money?
Ironing. Both my parents worked and there was a lady who used to take the ironing and do it. I started with the easy stuff and worked my way up to my father's shirts. Given a big family, there was plenty of it. Mind you, I hate ironing now....

PRESENT: Understanding the current (lousy) state of the economy, I won't assume you're employed right now. So. What did you last do for money?
I have my snout firmly in the government trough for the moment but I am looking for a real job.

FUTURE: If you suddenly came into a situation where you didn't need the income, would you still work some sort of job?
Absolutely but it would be the job I want to do instead of being a wage slave. Basically I would dabble in software development and extend some of my other sideline activities (like Mac support). The market isn't big enough to support a Mac consultant but if I didn't need to work then the level of activity would not frighten my mortgage holder.

Posted by Ozguru at February 4, 2004 05:02 AM
