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February 05, 2004

Whaddya do ...

... when you have a product with more holes than Swiss cheese?

1. You offer a bounty for people abusing the holes!
2. You tell people to trust you for updates with more holes!
3. You pose for photographs with security people!
4. You tell people that your focus is on security!
5. You produce flashy posters!

As AppleTurns suggests:

Anyway, that's the Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Strategy Du Jour for you, and by gum, while offering cash rewards to capture virus-writers didn't work out as well as it might have, we've got a really good feeling about this latest tactic. Seriously, is there any problem a well-placed poster can't solve? But on the off-off-off chance the poster campaign doesn't stop all viruses dead in their tracks, may we make a humble suggestion for Microsoft's next strategy?

Here goes:



Just a thought.

I feel a burst of inspiration coming on ....

Posted by Ozguru at February 5, 2004 07:02 AM
