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February 12, 2004


During lunchtime I was working away on the new and improved top10 program which is now able to cover all the blogs in my blogroll (i.e. it looks at their links as well as mine). Any url's which it has not seen before pop up for verification and so I check some of them out. In this case On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News had a link to undercaffinated. Now remember I have never seen this site before in my life and when I looked at the lead article my reaction was: "Umm. That's pretty sick humour." The problem is that it wasn't humour. It was real. I just don't know what to say.

I have kids and I just cannot imagine how any parent would condone this behaviour. It completely changes the perception of headlines like "Israeli forces kill teenagers". It also begs the question of whether there is any point in trying to sort out the mess that is Palestine. Maybe USS Clueless is right, build the wall, let the Palestinians descend into civil war and deal with the remnants afterwards. That is so depressing but what other choice is there?

There are copies of the pictures, in the extended article. Also see here for more details (and comments).

A masked Hamas militant sets up a makeshift mortar launcher against Israeli forces, unseen, as Palestinian youths try to cover him from the sight of the forces during an incursion in a Gaza city’s neighborhood, Wednesday Feb. 11, 2004. Israeli troops moved into a neighborhood at the eastern edge of Gaza City early Wednesday, killing atleast 14 Palestinians and wounding at least 27 others in exchanges of fire, residents said, sparking the bloodiest fighting in Gaza in four months. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Palestinian militants exchange fire with Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip February 11, 2004. In their deadliest strike for months, Israeli troops killed at least 14 Palestinians in gun battles in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, in raids Israel said were to root out militants behind attacks on Jewish settlements. REUTERS/Str

Posted by Ozguru at February 12, 2004 01:02 PM


Depressing is exactly the right word. and "Speechless" is the perfect title.

Posted by: Tom at February 12, 2004 01:02 PM