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February 14, 2004

Little Microbe

I have been very, very slack. I have failed to introduce the latest member of the blog family. As most of the regular readers know, I also have a server running MT where a number of family members and friends have blogs. Please welcome Ralph Rofl to the family. Rofl used to supply jokes to me and I have encouraged him to start his own collection.....

I am of course particularly embarrassed because Michael Friedman spotted Rofl on the microbe list and gave him a link. Michael (who is a Crawly Amphibian) has this idea of award a deserving Microbe with a link which gives them a big jump in ranking - a really kind idea - the least I can do is return the favour and give him a leg up the table as well. After all I should have linked to Rofl earlier.

Of course Rofl went and complained about the lack of recognition from over here :-) Feel free to harass him about it :-) BTW, you should probably read the FAQ's in order - starting from 1 not 8.

Anyway, you now know about LOL (Rofl's blog) and feel free to start getting your daily joke over there. I noticed he has been pinching stuff from CynicalCyn, PD and Dusting My Brain so I guess some of you will have already noticed him.....

Posted by Ozguru at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM


Thanks for the link. I like your jokes... Good blog. This littlest microbe thing is actually working out quite well - I find some pretty neat stuff... It's not really an award though - I make no pretense of trying to find the best. I just start at the bottom and work my way up until I find something that can be reached from China (blogspot is blocked) and that I can say something nice about.

Posted by: Michael Friedman at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM

Speaking of microbes, thanks to you Oz, I've moved up to a mere adorable rodent. According to my technorati standing, I've got 25 inbounds and 71 links, and I know for a fact that most of the 71 links are from you. So thanks a gazillion for the push (which I so humbly require.) :-)

Posted by: Cindy at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM

Don't forget that each comment (or trackback) will also score as a link (that is why I keep the comments on the page). The more you comment, the more links you have. If the URL you use in the comment points to an article (instead of to your blog as a whole) then it will count as a unique link in the ecosystem. Not that I am encouraging anyway to diddle the system but it is possible :-)

Posted by: ozguru at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM

Very nice site :) Will be adding it to the blogroll, but does this mean G'Day Mate Humour will taper off?

Posted by: Prasad at February 14, 2004 10:02 AM