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February 18, 2004

Windy Day

Two guys were standing inside a building of a local theme park. They were looking outside, and it was an extremely windy day. The area's custodian, the one who had the job of sweeping up debris, was a very small woman (4'10"& 90 lbs) and she was having a rough time trying to not be blown away.

When she asked her manager what she should do, he replied: "You have a warm down jacket don't you? Well put rocks in all the pockets!"

Then a minister, who was standing nearby, suggested she say a little prayer to ask the Lord to lessen the wind.

The park clown then suggested she could kill two birds with one stone by saying the prayer she said each night. He said, "you know, the one that goes: 'Now I weigh me down to sweep.'"

Posted by Ozguru at February 18, 2004 04:02 AM
