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February 18, 2004


I need some advice - probably from Californians. I am hoping to attend WWDC this year (June 28 - July 2) which will be held at "Moscone West" (whatever, and wherever, that is) in San Francisco. The best flight deals for me are via Air New Zealand departing 28th (and arriving 28th) and leaving SF on the 4th (and getting back here on the 6th - aren't timezones fun). Here is the question: where do I stay. I have been looking at hotels on the web and I am somewhat bemused by the rates and the locations and the conditions. There are some hotels advertising rooms without bathrooms. That could be somewhat difficult. There are hotels that claim to be close to Moscone but the maps suggest they are about five blocks by 12 blocks away (i.e. 5 north and then 12 west) - is that a long way to walk? I have no intention of hiring a car so I need access to public transport (and I am happy to catch buses or "trolleys"/trams). I am also on a limited budget....

Hotels that were suggested by the Moscone web site include Ansonia Abby, Argent ($$$), King George, Maxwell, Mosser, and Nob Hill. The AUC (Apple University Consortium) last year recommended the Chancellor (but the price appears to have gone up a lot since then).

So if you have been to San Francisco recently, can you suggest a cheap, clean hotel (with bathrooms) that has public transport to Moscone?

Much appreciated. If I end up using the hotel you recommend, I'll shout you a beer (or a coffee or whatever).

Posted by Ozguru at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM


I stayed at the San Francisco Marriot in December for a Moscone cell biology conference. It's 1 block away and nice, but ran $165 a night. I know that's pretty expensive, but being next to the convention center is so convenient. 15 blocks away is quite a walk, especially when you're going back and forth to Moscone all day. Tram/trolley/bus are available, but not always there when you want them. My advice is to eat at the $3 burrito place on Market St. every day and use the savings to pay for the hotel.

Posted by: Tom at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

I'll ask my friend Donald, who used to live in San Fran and knows the area really well.

Posted by: Cindy at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

Pertinent information from my friend sent to you in email. :-)

Posted by: Cindy at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

I stayed at the Marriot for a convention, arranged to room with another con attendee, helped with the cost. Lots of snacks at the con, rarely went out. Go every year, favorite vacation spot.

Posted by: mog at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

I *loved* the Marriott. I'm pretty sure the rate we got was only $70 a night, too. We got that through Expedia, I think.

Posted by: Raena at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

I live 60 miles from San Francisco. If you aren't afraid of public transport. I would suggest looking outside of San Francisco. go to www.bart.gov to get a system map. The Embarcadero stop is one block from Moscone, I'll hunt around for deals and let you know.

Posted by: Skipjack at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM

Can't remember where we stayed last time in SF, but I would strongly recommend that you try priceline.com. While planning our trip to Hawaii last year, I wanted my husband to experience one of Waikiki's wonderful sunsets--hotel prices on the beach started at $380 and up--so I went to priceline.com, said I wanted a 5-star hotel ON THE BEACH in Waikiki, room on the ocean side and got one for the price I had specified. It was everything I wanted it to be, and we were very pleased........

Posted by: cyn at February 18, 2004 11:02 PM