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February 20, 2004

SF Revisited

Well, thanks to lots of really helpful readers, I now know where Moscone West is:

The readers (some via comments, some via email) seem to be split 50/50 about either staying in the Marriott or somewhere further away and using the BART (I found the nearest station on the map). Last year the official hotel was the 'Argent' at $US145 per night (their current rate is more than double that - $US349). Cheapest room at the Mariott appears to be a 'Quality Room' for $US229. Out at the airport there are rooms for $US79 (close to the BART). I am gradually trying to explore other options along the BART route but not knowing the local geography makes it difficult....

Well, I'll keep looking (and listening to your advice). Thanks for all the feedback.

Posted by Ozguru at February 20, 2004 05:02 PM


do not go to Oakland or south hayward. I have a friend who is a policeman and those are some of the worst areas for robberies. If you don't want to use any cabs stay in the San Francisco. But if you go out to the airport you'll need a cab to get anywhere decent to eat.

Posted by: Skipjack at February 20, 2004 05:02 PM

Anything around Union square is a pretty short walk to Moscone. I took a quick look at Travelocity and found a bunch in the $100-$140 range. The Cartwright Hotel looks the cheapest and best ($96 a night in June). Can't personally recommend any of these, but I bet they're okay.

Posted by: Tom at February 20, 2004 05:02 PM

My friend who lives in the city recommended Union Square also.

Posted by: Skipjack at February 20, 2004 05:02 PM

Take it from someone who lived in San Francisco for 10+ years...stay at one of the hotels near Union Square or Fisherman's Wharf. The Carlton (near Union Squre) is fairly nice and cheap, and the Holiday Inn (near Fisherman's Wharf) is the same. The walk from Union Square is about 15-20 minutes, and you can take the infamous "cable car" from Fisherman's Wharf to the Powell BART Station. The restaurants and shops near both districts are way more convenient than anything else.

Posted by: Stan at February 20, 2004 05:02 PM