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February 23, 2004

Useful SPAM?

Hey I know there has already been a joke posted today but I spotted a wonderful post over at DramaQueen. You really should go and check her site out ....

To encourage you, here is quote from her story about a cat that has become stuck on a window sill (I just let you know so that your dirty minds* don't misinterpret the quote):

I mean, there was no way she [the cat] was outside the window. We live in a 2 story townhouse, and our backyard consists of a large remote lockup garage. The only openings out on to the roof of the garage are through the trellises and 9 feet off the ground...
...which I suddenly realised is like 12 inches for an able-bodied cat. And, as I've been reliably informed by my regular influx of spam, 12 inches is nothing that a prepared and eager young pussy can't handle.

* Those of you without dirty minds can just ignore that aside because you won't have any idea what it was talking about or why that article was cracking me up.

Posted by Ozguru at February 23, 2004 12:02 PM


aw thanks Ozguru :). You've made my day!! (It seems my trackbacks are still stuffed however. We've been trying to fix them for a while now, but if you use the ping url it should work. :)

Posted by: goldie at February 23, 2004 12:02 PM

A Pussy Surprise GDay Mate has found an amusing pussy post at Drama Queen. Go. Read. It. Kid's pussy got a lot less than 12 inches and is now Miss Wide Belly and unable to jump up to the top of furniture to knock stuff off. Saving a lot on broken china here, stil...

Posted by: Mind of Mog at February 23, 2004 12:02 PM