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May 31, 2005

How Much?

The tax is finally done (for last year) and the refund is due any day now. Combine the refund with whatever I can pick up for the old machines (Performa = $0, Powerbook G3 = $450, Powerbook G3 with stuff = $550, 3 Newtons @ $50 ea, Emate = $50) might be worth putting into a G5 machine. Once we clear everything else out, the only machines in the house will be my (dented) 17" Powerbook, DragonFly's G4 iMac and one remaining Newton.

So, what can I buy with my cash... my minimum requirements: 2Gb RAM, 20" screen, 400Gb disk. A wireless keyboard would be interesting...

Option 1: G5 iMac (2GHz plus options) = $AU 3,900

Option 2: Power Mac G5 (2x2GHz plus options) = $AU 4,000 plus I need the 20" monitor (an extra $AU 1,250).

Option 3: Option 2 plus better graphics card and larger (23") monitor = $AU 7,100

At this point, I start to wonder whether perhaps I can make do without a G5 for another year :-) I don't think Mr Howard is going to be quite that generous with his refund...

Note: Option 3 would cost $US4,800 ($AU 6,300) if purchased in the USA.

Posted by Ozguru at May 31, 2005 09:00 PM

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