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May 31, 2005

What a mess?

The blog is in some measure of disarray at the moment. What you can see is actually MT3 templates and styles being applied to an MT2 blog. Right now I am working on the main page - I suspect that the individual entries and other forms are likely to be cactus (American), stuffed (Aussie) or pear-shaped (English).

For the time being, if you spot something odd on the main page, let me know but don't worry about other bits looking strange (unless of course the strangeness prevents you from reading or commenting).

Today the main page, tomorrow the world more of the same!

Posted by Ozguru at May 31, 2005 10:00 PM

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» More CSS Problems from G'Day Mate MkII
According to a comment from Pete on this article, the sidebar is turning into a "bottom bar" for his browser. No worries, I came across a hack for windows when I was looking for something different. Now, where is google. Ah yes,... [Read More]

Tracked on June 2, 2005 09:17 AM


"Today the main page, tomorrow more of the same." Pretty funny, Guru.

Posted by: Old Horsetail Snake at June 1, 2005 08:17 AM

The side bar is showing up at the bottom, not the side. Win XP Pro, 1280 x 1024, Firefox

Posted by: Pete at June 2, 2005 07:17 AM

Thanks. Is that on the Main Page? Archive Page? Both?

Posted by: Ozguru at June 2, 2005 08:44 AM

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