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May 29, 2005

Just Not Cricket

Leigh Hollingworth, "an Aussie working with the UN in Nepal", has a different take on explaining cricket to Americans (Column 8, last week). "My experience was even more difficult - explaining the concept of 'not cricket'. Having failed to explain the intricacies of the game to one American, I gave up and told him to stand at a particular spot. If the ball came near him, he was to throw it as hard as he could back to the guy with the gloves. This he did, just in time to intersect with the batsman. After explaining the term 'retired hurt', I could see the American deep in thought. Then, with a glint in his eye, he said 'Throw the ball to me. I can hit these guys easy. They're real slow'."

From Column 8, Saturday 28.05.05

Posted by Peskie at May 29, 2005 06:00 AM

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I saw this in Column 8 and bookmarked it to post later and then forgot about it. Says a lot about Englishmen, Americans and cricket.

Posted by: Ozguru at June 3, 2005 11:16 AM

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