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June 01, 2005

Advanced CSS

One feature that seems determined not to work is the advanced CSS for the XFN coding in the blogroll (which is still under construction).

According to the doco, I should be able to use:

a[rel~="met"]:after {content: " *";}
but nothing appears to happen. Note that a quick 'View Source' on the page indicates that three of the URLs in the blogroll meet the requirement but none of them have an '*' added automagically.

The blogroll is being rebuilt entry by entry. The way it now works is that the is a category on the blog called 'Blogroll'. The entries have to be formatted in a particular way (see this post) with the URL in the extended entry and the xfn tags in the keywords section. The blogroll is then constructed by summarising all the posts in the Blogroll category. Nice and easy. The only downside is writing all those blogroll entries. I am setting myself a target of three per day (six done today). Preference given to those leaving comments :-)

Oh, the individual archive page should now be working - and have a similar look and feel to the main page. Three templates down (main, css and individual archive). Lots more to go.

Posted by Ozguru at June 1, 2005 10:30 PM

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