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June 05, 2005

European Constitution

Personally, I couldn't care less about what happens to the European constitution except for two points, one of which is raised by Pixy Misa (who has kindled summarised all the key points which means I don't have to read the umpteen million pages) and the other is raised in the comments.

Firstly - I cannot see how the UK could possible vote for the constitution when it clearly states "The Treaties on the Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ... shall be repealed." - it is none of their business. Besides, my understanding is that the Queen would have to agree to that and I doubt that she would.

Secondly - once Europe, unifies, they must give up their independent rights in all the international bodies. It would no longer make sense for say France and Germany to have seats in the UN - there would be just one seat for the whole EU. Otherwise you could argue that each state in Australia and/or the USA would be entitled to a seat...

Posted by Ozguru at June 5, 2005 10:30 PM

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Well, why not give Oregon, Idaho, Montana, etc., a seat in the UN? We can waste time as good as anybody else....

Posted by: Old Horsetail Snake at June 6, 2005 02:10 AM

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