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June 06, 2005

Apple vs Intel

I have carefully read all the predictions and the rumours and I am afraid that it still doesn't add up. Moving to a commodity platform would remove the last big advantage that Apple have and would make the operating system prohibitively expensive.

Yes, the rumours come from very important sources. Yes, there is the DRM/Hollywood argument. Yes, it is technically feasible. But none of that is enough to make it a done deal.

I think Steve has only made two mistakes at Apple (the second one was the cube, what was the first one?) and committing to a complete migration to Intel would be his third.

The more probably bet is that Apple is launching some other product or some other add-on that uses Intel chips. It might even fit inside a Mac but it will not me a replacement for the core of a Mac.

Who knows, maybe I am wrong - we should all know around 10:30 AM PDT (3:30 AM AEST).

Posted by Ozguru at June 6, 2005 08:00 PM

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I know! Pick me! I know what his other mistake was... It happened when he first arrived at Apple and wanted to destroy all the Scully things...

Posted by: Rofl at June 7, 2005 09:18 AM

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