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January 11, 2004

Blog Roundup

Despite being off-line all weekend, the first thing I did when I got on-line was to start the Blog Roundup process. Wel actually I tell a little lie. Actually the first thing I did was check the page counter and clean up the comment spam but after that I started on this weeks effort (as usual, see the extended article for more details and the Top 10 list).

Dusting My Brain has jumped to the top of the link list which is a major achievement and the random number generator obviously approved with not one, not two but three appearances in the random list (chance of occurring each time is 33/690 or 4.8%). Squip (the author) often has little snipbits that make you stop and think. Recently she mentioned that her mother is a Chuck Berry fan and that made me stop and think about my Mum's musical tastes (used to include Val Doonican). Another post was about a love of books which is something we have in common (by the way that does not mean you were a librarian - librarians don't read books - they shelve them). The funniest recent post from my perspective is this one which reports temperatures between 29 and 35 (on a warm day) - just like Australia (on a cool day). Initially this seems to conflict with this post until you realise that Squip is using Fahrenheit not Celcius*. By the way if the level of posting drops off in the near future, there might be a clue in this article.

On the Third Hand is fairly unique on my blogroll. Firstly it is political (and American political at that) which I usually ignore (when it comes to politics, I come with a full set of prejudices configured in advance) and it is a multi-author blog. In general, most multi-author blogs I have looked at do not work very well because author styles become so different that they clash. In this case the politics are clearly explained (and appear reasonable to my jaundiced eye) and the two writers complement each other perfectly. Kath (one of the writers) recently posted about SPAM and random word generators but she also has more political posts like the pointer to a post on the thin line between coercion and torture. The other author (MommaBear) has a series called 'A Growl From The Den' which lately has been concentrating on too-tightly-twisted-turban-crowd™ (also see this more recent addition). Both lovely ladies are regular visitors and they leave comments on a whole gamut of blogs. It can be a real surprise to read an article, click on the comments and find that one or the other (or both) have beaten you to the mark.

Aussie Courier is doing a rework on the old CSS stuff and is also getting up to speed with PHP. He is starting to get back up to speed with posts like this one but really I am waiting for a followup to the New Zealand articles.

PD: You ... relax is one of my regular stops. Due to management intelligence, my best joke sources have dried up (i.e. were victims of a DCM) and the fall back is the great collection of jokes on this site like The Hypnotist, Rules of Manhood and 24 Australian Commandments (see my version on this post). Unfortunately the posts have been a bit light lately, maybe because he is subsisting on public transport. Maybe I should lend him a Newton so he can write his posts on the bus :-)

Serenity's Journal is a brand new site for me. I am guessing that it was a referral via Mookie Riffic or The Accidental Jedi who are both on the blogroll. Whatever the reason, it is nice to find a new blog and this one is worth checking out. In one recent post, Serenity asks why men honk at her when she is at the bus stop. The answer is: "for the same reason that construction workers whistle at women". The sub-question about whether this technique works is easily addressed. Of course it does. My brother's friend's mother's cousin's hairdresser picked up a chick that way. The were happily married for six months (followed by a number of unhappy years of course). There are also some wierd bus stories - makes my bus trips seem pretty tame. There is also a series of more serious posts starting here which highlight the importance of proper parenthood. I often wonder if I do all the things I am supposed to do as a parent but I have to admit that being a parent is much harder that it looks (from the other side) but there is no excuse for the non-parent discussed in these articles.

[* According to this convertor, 29 to 35 Fahrenheit is -2 to 2 Celsius. Correspondingly, 29 to 35 Celsius is 85 to 95 Fahrenheit.]

Technical Details

Sites reviewed last week included: Da Goddess, Firebrand's Desiderata, GRRR be afraid, Cynical Cyn, and Reflections in d minor.

Out of interest, I think this is the first time ever that anyone had had more links than Jivha :-)

Site Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive
G'Day Mate
G'Day Mate - Reviews
Note: There are 690 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Dusting My Brain (33)
Kingsley (29)
Technically Speaking (27)
Jivha - the Tongue (26)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (23)
Interested Participant (22)
Da Goddess (19)
GRRR be afraid (19)
Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (18)
The Gray Monk (16)

Random 10 Sites
Dusting My Brain (33 - #1)
Da Goddess (19 - eliminated)
On the Third Hand (11 - #2)
Dusting My Brain (33 - repeated)
Aussie Courier (10 - #3)
Dusting My Brain (33 - repeated)
PD: You ... relax (15 - #4)
http://www.serenitysjournal.com (1 - #5)
The Gray Monk (16 - missed out)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (23 - missed out)

Posted by Ozguru at January 11, 2004 12:00 PM

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You all know I left work early on Friday but, you ask, where is the Friday 5 now that I am back. Well I am sorry to inform you that it does not exist. Let me quote the Friday 5 administrator:The notify list knows there's no Friday Five this week. You'... [Read More]

Tracked on January 12, 2004 09:38 PM
