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January 18, 2004

Blog Roundup

[Ed: Apologies for multiple trackbacks (if any) - TypePad timed out when I tried to post this one...]

I would like to apologise in advance for this weeks review - it is not as polished as I usually try to make it (not necessarily successfully) and it nearly didn't get posted at all.

My Boyfriend is a Twat is the first site for this week but before I get started, you might like to pop over and read someone else's review at Dusting My Brain. How can I possibly add to that? Squip has two advantages, firstly she seems to know Zoe and secondly she has a much nicer turn of phrase. Oh well, check out the review and Zoe as well - her style is relaxed and friendly. There is also an explanation for the blog name in the 1st anniversary post. Finally there is a good reason for not working with your significant other.

Satisfied and Totally Relaxed would appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I lost my father to cancer and it still leaves a hole in the world. Of course this has happened in the middle of preparations for the big wedding. I have two memories of my wedding. The first was the pain in the face the day afterwards (from smiling for the cameras all day) and the second was this which happened several times in the lead up. Oh and don't forget, SATR was the source for this geek desire.

I noticed that The Cheese Stands Alone does Friday Five, I sort of thought would be more appropriate :-) Speaking of Friday 5, I linked to this post in my last Friday 5 because it is one of the best email signatures I have seen. Some of the humour requires a little thought. I have refrained from joining the anti-Steve Irwin league but I liked this take on the story.

Ramblings of Silver Blue seems to finish the evening with a Final Thought (two links) in the form of a picture. There is a sprinkling of humour and recently a post on the most functional word (at least for American). The most functional word for Australians would have to be the Great Australian Adjective (GAA) . I can remember a foreign (American = alien) student at university who kept trying to use the GAA but he kept getting the position wrong - even in a two word sentence - guess it is an acquired art (and no I will not be practising it here unless there are a number of requests).

Only four sites this week due to the vagaries of random numbers. Depending on work load I may be able to stick in an extra one next week. By the way, for those who only read this blog, there is a special thankyou for all those who helped be get to the marsupial level.

Details (for the curious)
Sites reviewed last week were: Dusting My Brain, On the Third Hand, , PD: You ... relax, and Serenity's Journal. The mt-plugins site and OzNewton were discounted as not being proper blogs and so were also excluded.

Site Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive
G'Day Mate
G'Day Mate - Reviews
Note: There are 683 links to consider.

TOP 15 Sites
1: Dusting My Brain (37)
2: Kingsley (24)
3: Jivha - the Tongue (23)
4: Da Goddess (22)
5: Technically Speaking (22)
6: When I Paint My Masterpiece (20)
7: Interested Participant (19)
8: Tiger: Raggin; & Rantin' (18)
9: PD: You ... relax (18)
10: All AgitProp (17)
11: The Gray Monk (16)
12: GRRR be afraid (16)
13: On the Third Hand (16)
14: http://utterlyboring.com (13)
15: The Aussie Courier (12)

Random 10 Sites
http://users.pandora.be/quarsan/zoe (4)
Dusting My Brain (37)
http://satr.typepad.com/satr (10)
PD: You ... relax (18)
Serenity's Journal (5)
http://themonkeyboylovescheese.mu.nu (5)
http://www.silverblue.org (6)
Dusting My Brain (37)
OzNewton (3)
http://manager.mt-plugins.org (1)

Posted by Ozguru at January 18, 2004 12:00 PM

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First, thanks for the nod on your blog-- Gracias! Danke! Dank je wel! Thank you! (spanish, german, dutch, the usual) Next, I laughed aloud when I read 'American=alien' above. It made me think of the scene in the movie "aliens" and how I used to make my nephew giggle when I'd grab my face with one hand, fingers spread wide, and bellow ALIENNNNNNNNNNNN!!! He loved that. Of course this is understandable if you've seen the movie. :-) Last but not least, I must say that I'm truly fully of myself being atop your Top 15. For a Flappy Bird (which is thanks to you as well,) I'm absolutely flattered. Thanks for all of it!

Posted by: Cindy at January 19, 2004 10:29 AM

Another useful and interesting review. Thanks for introducing me to The Cheese Stands Alone!

Posted by: David at January 22, 2004 09:20 PM