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June 06, 2004

Blog Roundup (Sort of)

I don't have a full roundup for this week due to the transition of the main blog from MT to WP. I have yet to find out what the official Munuvian stance will be and I also failed to get my tabs working (still fiddling it). In the absence of having a real Roundup, I would like to point out some WP based sites that have either been helpful or provided inspiration.

Top of the charts would have to be the extremely generous Kathy Kinsley. She has been working on layouts and also helping with my comment problems (which I think hope are all resolved).

Next up would have to be the two pre-MT-debacle bloggers who were using WP already: Skipjack and Mind of Mog. I notice that Skipjack has a new site-image (favicon) which looks like the Linux penguin crossed with the pointy-haired-boss from Dilbert :-) Skipjack also has some comparisons of different blog packages. Mog has links to more switchers.

The single biggest shock (to me) was finding out that Scripty Goddess was moving. She had written many of the tips and tricks I used on my MT blog and I am eagerly awaiting her new WP plugins (like hide/reveal for comments). Ohhh, I just checked her blog and it is available now.

You guys/gals just chat among yourselves until next week....

Posted by Ozguru at June 6, 2004 12:00 PM

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» Not a Blog Roundup from G'day Mate!
If anyone wants to know, there is a brief sort of substitute of a roundup now on-line over at G'Day Mate - Reviews!: Blog Roundup (Sort of). I don't have a full roundup for this week due to the transition of the main blog from MT to WP. I have yet t... [Read More]

Tracked on June 8, 2004 01:13 AM


Thanks for the notice. Now I eagerly await the hide/reveal comments. I'd like hide/reveal in the menu too.

Posted by: Mog at June 8, 2004 02:08 AM