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December 03, 2004

Weblog Awards 2004

It is that time again - time to vote...

Conservatives: You want to get a good result again don't you - feels good to support a winner - well this is you chance to go and vote on the winning side again ...

Liberals: You might not have won the last election but you could try winning this one instead ...

There are only two things to keep in mind. Firstly, you are not supposed to cheat (well you aren't supposed to cheat in presidential elections either) and if you get caught your ip will be banned and then you won't know who won :-) Secondly, the results will only last for a year which means you don't have to wait four years to do it again :-)

In case you have no idea who to vote for, I thought I'd tell you my choices*. That way if you are too lazy to choose your own but motivated enough to click on a few links then you can make a difference :-)

Best Overall Blog - Wizbang (of course)

Best Group Blog - Command Post because of A.E. Brain

Best Humour Blog - Hog On Ice

Best Sport Blog - this guy (because he asked me nicely)

Best Online Community - Munuviana (for very obvious reasons)

Best Essayist - USS Clueless

Best Canadian Blog - All AgitProp - one of my earliest blog friends

Best Asian Blog - Simon World - an Aussie living in Hong Kong

Best Aussie Blog - Ambient Irony, DramaQueen or me.

Best of the Top: 250 - 500 - On the Third Hand

Now if I have missed any regulars from the blogroll - let me know and I'll update this list :-) You may also notice that there are a lot of blanks where I didn't have a preferred choice. Given that I will be voting once every 24 hours (as allowed by the rules) I am happy to trade votes with you if your blog is in one of the other categories. Leave your details in the comments and I'll trust you to fill any blanks in your voting list from the list above. First come, first served... (with the exception of blogroll people that I may have accidentally overlooked).

Stop the presses: There is a detailed How to Vote guide for munuvians ...

[* If the category is not listed it means I don't know who to vote for yet...]

Posted by Ozguru at December 3, 2004 10:30 PM

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