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December 22, 2004

Half-Blood Prince

According to the SMH:

Author J.K. Rowling has announced that she has completed the sixth Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. "I know you all expected this to happen on Christmas Day, but I was sure that those of you who celebrate Christmas have better things to do on the day itself than fight your way into my study, whereas those of you who DON'T celebrate Christmas would definitely prefer not to wait until the 25th," the British author wrote in a message posted yesterday on her Web site. ... Rowling's US publisher, Scholastic Inc., said a release date would be announced on Tuesday morning. With the new Potter book almost certain to come out in 2005, fans should be spared the seemingly interminable three-year wait between Potter IV, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and Potter V, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which came out in the summer of 2003. ... Rowling has said that one of her characters will not survive her sixth book, but she refused to identify that character.

In a coup for the internet and blogging in general I can reveal two bits of juicy information. Firstly the character who is kill is not Harry Potter (at least not in this book). The second juicy bit of information is that the early completion is actually because Ms. Rowling is worried about a rival publication which has just been sent for final review. The author of the rival series, a modest man, outlines the premise behind the series:

Three days before Alura's 17th birthday, the strange death of her grandfather cascades into a wild adventure that forever alters the universe.

Sounds more interesting than a school for underage wizards...

Posted by Ozguru at December 22, 2004 08:00 AM

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Wow, you're blurbin' me all over. I'm now blushin' all over. ;)

Posted by: Tig at December 22, 2004 11:55 AM