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January 05, 2004

TypePad Award

According to Tech Ronin, TypePad has just won an award. Then there is an excellent list of suggestions for improving the product. I agree with all of them but I would really like to add something even more essential: a file manager. I have given up on uploading graphic images to the typepad site because there is no way to manage them once they get there. I did play around with using a photo album but that doesn't help with the dozens of images already uploaded.....

There are more suggestions over here.

Posted by Ozguru at January 5, 2004 08:01 AM


I second that one. Typepad really does need a file manager. For those that aren't too comfortable with html I'd recommend Zempt or w.bloggar.

Posted by: Prasad at January 5, 2004 08:01 AM

Thanks for the suggestion, do either of these tools let you remove the images already on the TypePad site? It has only started to bother me recently for two reasons: (1) I want to archive some material and can't remove the images and (2) trying to help a non-www-aware user through image management on a work server has made me notice the problem.

Posted by: ozguru at January 5, 2004 08:01 AM