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January 13, 2004

Blog Roll Cleanup

I have just joined a blogger alliance (more information to come) and before I add the alliance members to the blog roll, I figured it was time to do a cleanup. I started with the Ecosystem referral lists and the current blogroll. I found some blogs that had (very kindly) linked to me and I have failed to do the right thing and return the favour. Apologies to:
- A.E.Brain
- The Accidental Jedi
- Mookie Riffic
- Selective Amnesia
- Candy Universe
- Da Goddess
I will try to rectify in the rebuild of the blog roll. Thanks for your patience.

Then there are some bloggers with alternate links:
- Carried Away - links to the old Humour blog.
- Cynical Cyn - Links to the Review blog.
- Satisfied and Totally Relaxed - links to the old Humour blog.
- Hi, I'm Black! - links to the Review blog.

Some bloggers are not in the Ecosystem (how heretical can you get):
- Firebrand's Desiderata
- GRRR be afraid
- Pixel Diva
- tech ronin
- Mr Barrett

One bloggers are MIA (missing in action):
When I Paint My Masterpiece

This blog has moved the blogroll off the main page (so the ecosystem doesn't count the links):
- Reflections in d minor

And apparently one decided that my blog doesn't appeal (that's cool):
- Pickle Juice

Now I have tracked all that down, I can work on adding the new group. Phew.

P.S. If you have linked to me and you are not on this list (or on the blogroll), please let me know ASAP via the comments before I load up the blo.gs version of the blogroll. Thanks.

Posted by Ozguru at January 13, 2004 05:01 PM


I'm glad you read occasionally and drop me an e-mail every once in a blue moon. I'm a fan of yours and it gives me great pleasure to know that you stop in.

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 13, 2004 05:01 PM