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January 13, 2004

Comment SPAM

Some of the SPAM I have deleted recently was almost normal in content but contained dodgy links. I was almost tempted to leave the comments by point the links at something else. Apparently, I am not the only one. You have to love this quote from that article:

Imagine standing at a street corner and spitting on people to get their attention, then trying to sell them something. Spamming is a better marketing method than that only in that you get punched less often. -- Esa A. Peuha

There used to be a joke manpage for the UNIX kill command that suggested that it could be applied to users. Note that the kill command is used to communicate with a process, this is not a suggestion that you go out and kill spammers (or users). I was thinking of sending a signal 1. Why?

[Clarification: What is the abbreviation for signal 1 in UNIX?]

Posted by Ozguru at January 13, 2004 06:01 PM


No answers yet? I am surprised - 50 visitors and no-one knew the answer. The most commonly used signals are 15 (SIGTERM), 9 (SIGKILL) and 1 (SIGHUP) also known as the HUP signal (short for hang-up as used in early terminal communication programs). Normally HUP is used to make a program reread it's configuration files or reset some behaviour that is inappropriate.

Posted by: ozguru at January 13, 2004 06:01 PM