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January 14, 2004

Geek Tidbits

Just to round off before I try and sleep (with a stuffy head I may end up posting stuff all night), here are a couple of interesting bits and pieces (sans verification and checking):
- According to an email this morning HHGG - the movie is underway. Wonder who will be Arthur and can I be Marvin - he gets the best lines.
- The Unix calendar apparently has a LOTR easter-egg. Could be in some versions of Linux as well. Maybe I can work out a way to post these as they come up....
- In the interests of providing consumer choice, Microslosh have announced not one, not two but three critical security flaws. The fourth flaw is of course using Microslosh software for anything that required security in the first place ;-)
- A nude (pregnant) model is looking for a husband on the internet (pictures available).
- Finally, Apple-X are looking for more writers (no pay but great conditions).

On a less busy day, each of these may have scored a session on their own but right now I am mulling over a few more important stories and rather than let these slip away, I'll let you invent your own....

Posted by Ozguru at January 14, 2004 10:01 PM


Wait...aren't you supposed to be nude and pregnant and looking for a husband you already have, or is that just my experience?

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 14, 2004 10:01 PM

Well maybe. Check the story out. I think the idea is that she is hoping to find a husband to replace the now missing father of the baby. I seem to have read somewhere once that nude pregnant women are a turn-on for most guys (there was a lot of waffle about evolutionary reasons why this had to be) but as the article was written by women I was never all that sure about it.

Posted by: ozguru at January 14, 2004 10:01 PM

You wrote, "somewhere once that nude pregnant women are a turn-on for most guys (there was a lot of waffle about evolutionary reasons why this had to be)" eeeuuuwwww, I've been pregnant and nude! and although it was a long time ago, I don't recall that nude and pregnant was a particular turn on!! Turn off might have been more like it. But then, we do have evidence that it works for some people......how many years ago was the Dimi Moore cover shot (nude and pregnant)that blew everyone away?? (SHUT UP CYN, you are rambling and making no sense at all!!)

Posted by: Cyn at January 14, 2004 10:01 PM