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January 15, 2004

You Choose, I Dictate!

I actually thought Uncle Fester was pretty cool; but his descendant that works for Microslash should review his own speeches before opening his mouth to change feet. According to this story:

Microsoft Windows Digital Media division general manager David Fester slammed HP's decision to ally itself with Apple in talks with journalists at CES last week. He said that "Windows is about choice," and that HP will confuse customers by offering the iPod alongside Microsoft media products that aren't iPod-compatible, like Windows Media Center software.

Let me think about this for a minute. Microslash thinks it is OK for HP to offer WMA music devices because that is about choice*. Just like Ferrari who offer their cars in any colour as long as you want red, HP can offer any music format as long as it is WMA.

When HP decides to offer their consumers a choice (not a choice*) and provide either WMA or AAC then they get slammed by Microslash because that is restricting choice*. Apparently the dictionary used by Fester's offspring is not a standard dictionary.....

If any of you readers can enlighten me as to why having less options provides more choices I would appreciate it. If you can do so in coherent English (using a standard dictionary), I would even be prepared to post it as a guest article with credit to you.....

[* choice is apparently a registered trademark of Microslosh and has absolutely nothing to do with choice the common English word.]

Posted by Ozguru at January 15, 2004 01:01 AM


this may be of interest: http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/categories/scobleizer/2004/01/13.html#a6166

Posted by: Cindy at January 15, 2004 01:01 AM