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January 27, 2004

Microslosh Watch

I guess all those windblows admins out there are going to be looking at the training catalogues today. Even allowing for the usual date-slippage from Uncle Bill, it is fairly clear that the writing is on the wall for the days of Windblows connected to the Internet.

Are you scratching your head at this point at wondering if I have completely lost the plot? Well you see Billy Boy has promised that the SPAM problem will be solved within two years. I figure that means two things - first there is the implied end of Windblows on the internet (no more free relays for the spammers) and the second thing is that Microslosh won't need to slip the next release of Windblows again ....

Now if you think I have lost the plot, what about HMQE? On the whole I have no objection to HM but this latest decision (see the 3rd entry) looks like senile dementia to me. What on earth could have induced her to give Billy a knighthood. Maybe it is actually a plot and when he kneels down she will swipe his head off with the sword - one blue screen of death too many?

While we are still vaguely on the topic, apparently sirbill has settled with Mike by buying him off.

Posted by Ozguru at January 27, 2004 12:01 PM


I read about that settlement today. I think the most appropriate 'gift' would have been to pay for the teen's college tuition instead of giving him a free pass to a tech festival and paying for his site change. Pathetic really, but then I'm not surprised. From Wired News: 'Microsoft would cover Mike's costs of changing to a new website and redirecting traffic from the old site. Microsoft also had agreed to help the teen get Microsoft certification training and other gifts, including an Xbox game console, he said, and has invited Mike to a technology festival in March at the corporation's headquarters in suburban Redmond, Washington.'

Posted by: Cindy at January 27, 2004 12:01 PM

Wonder if he can redeem the education vouchers for Apple training :-)

Posted by: ozguru at January 27, 2004 12:01 PM

Off Sick Due to an overload of stress I am home today with a migraine. That means it will be a light-blogging day - at least until the panadine forte kicks in. BTW, did everyone see the disappointing news about Billy's knighthood:Note that as Bill will not be d...

Posted by: GDay Mate at January 27, 2004 12:01 PM