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February 01, 2004

Visitor 6K

Visitor #6000 appears to be an AOL user from Perth looking for the old Wooden Whistle story. My grandpa used to tell me this when I was too young to understand the joke:

- There was a boy who had a wooden whistle but it wooden (wouldn't) whistle.
- Then he got a steel whistle but it steel (still) wooden (wouldn't) whistle.
- Then he got a tin whistle - "Now I tin (can) whistle".

If this looks like you, drop me a comment and claim a guest post or ask a question.

By the way I got no feedback on my last (carefully researched) question about the peanut gallery. Was that because (a) everybody knew what a peanut gallery was, (b) nobody cared what a peanut gallery was, or (c) nobody looked at that post?

Posted by Ozguru at February 1, 2004 12:02 AM


I hadn't seen the peanut gallery post (least you coulda done was link it so I didn't have to hunt it down). I've now seen it and left a nice long comment on it to make up for its earlier suffering from neglect.

Posted by: Kathy K at February 1, 2004 12:02 AM