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January 27, 2004

Give Up Now!

Chinese President Hu Jintao is upset about the possible vote by Taiwan for independence (of course it is independent, wake up and smell the coffee). Well he should give up now and just accept that the reality that two Chinas is now a done deal.

How can I be so sure? Well according to the BBC, everybody's least loved international leader (not Saddam, the other one), is throwing his full weight behind China. Getting Jacky Cognac's support is the kiss of death for any international deal - just ask Iraq or Libya.

Posted by Ozguru at January 27, 2004 11:01 PM


Those French sure know how to back the wrong pony. Who are the French picking for the SuperBowl?

Posted by: jaboobie at January 27, 2004 11:01 PM

Give Up Again Yesterday I was talking with some friends about how the media can often twist a story to suit some ulterior motive and then I can across this story at the BBC which was just crying out for some editing. It is a followup to yesterday's post: On Tuesday,...

Posted by: GDay Mate at January 27, 2004 11:01 PM