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February 28, 2003

The mark of Cain?

What is it about Australia that encourages everyone to tell us what to do. Recently we have had advice from Malaysia (Bali was our own fault), Indonesia (tourist warnings will harm our close relationship) and the Americans (we are not allowed to be rude about Bushie Jnr). Now we cop it from the Chinese.

How about some rational thought here. First our Yankee Doodle mates have got this missile shield thing. Well the PM in his pro-American best thinks we should take a gander. The temporary leader of the opposition naturally opposes this (that is why they call it the opposition). Either way the use of this defensive shield is something for Australia to consider.

To help push us into the deal, we have some advice from one of our closest allies the friendly Chinese! Apparently Feng Tie on behalf of the Chinese embassy in Canbera believes that Australia having a resonable defense option would upset regional stability and lead to an arms race. :wink Actually sounds just like the opinion they offered Taiwan. :smile

Right. Sure. If we could defend ourselves, this would be a threat to who? New Zealand? We all know they are envious of Australia but seriously they seem to be able to cope with our current pro-American attitude without getting too upset. Who else? Indonesia would like a chunk but they still have to recover from the loss of East Timor and PNG is a more likely target.

There must be something that gives all these nations the idea that somehow we would appreciate their advice! Maybe it is because we are so free at handing out advice to them ... :smile

Posted by Ozguru at February 28, 2003 06:02 AM


Well with the possible amalgamation of stock exchanges etc there's not much left of our far eastern states (Australian Constitution leaves room for them) left to offer us - I mean more of their more well known people can't stand living there and still call Australia Home.

Posted by: bpw at February 28, 2003 06:02 AM