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April 04, 2003

Back to normal ...

Crazy Apple Rumors is back (no more Dell Rumors) and today has a special mention for As The Apple Turns which used to be the number one site for Apple Related Drama. Since the disruption of their schedules due to the addition of a new staff member, the regularity of their broadcasts has been somewhat disrupted (i.e. they don't post stuff very often). They must still be around somewhere because Jack (who writes most of the stuff) is credited with the April Fools article in MacAddict April 2003 and even allowing for journalistic deadlines, that was probably written after the last site update.

Oh well, best of luck to all of the AtAT staff, we enjoyed your stuff for a number of years and we look forward to reading more items in MacAddict :grin

Posted by Ozguru at April 4, 2003 07:04 AM
