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April 23, 2003


Slashdot Editors Can't Read

In sensational breaking news it has become painfully obvious that slashdot will post any article that will attract comments, mentions Linux, bags Microslosh and confirms long held geek convictions.

The summary of this story suggests that women need larger computer screens to operate a computer. The summary is negative about women (requirement #4), bags Microslosh (requirement #3), mentions KDE (requirement #2) and was published under the science heading (requirement #1).

Of course in real life (as opposed to Slashdot), the study was about the ability of participants to position themselves in a virtual three dimensional world projected onto a computer monitor. Generally speaking, men appeared to be able to cope better with smaller monitors than women but the advantage went away when large monitors were used. The effect could be related to spatial processing (tends to be better in males) or from practice (all those 3-D shoot-em-ups). Nothing really to do with sexism, linux or microslosh.

Looks like the poster (and the editors) couldn't read. For that matter, half the comments were from people who couldn't read (or couldn't click on a link)...

Posted by Ozguru at April 23, 2003 07:04 AM
