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April 29, 2003

Newt Tute!

OK - I know you are all dying to know how I managed to post this entry from a piece of hardware that was officially obsolete about five years ago! Yes, that's right - this article was (actually "is being" from my perspective) written on a Newton while riding on the bus. When I am finished, I will click on the nBlog button at the bottom of the note. This will fire up a wireless (802.11) card which sits in the top PCMCIA slot on my N2K. The wireless card will connect using 128 bit WEP to an airport basestation which will allow the conection only after certifying that the ethernet id (MAC address) is on the safe list. The article will (or should I say "was" from your perspective) then be added to the queue of articles in the movable type database. At some point, an editor will release the article for your reading pleasure (or pain). In fact this must have already happened or you wouldn't know that I said this. Feels like some sort of paradoxial time travel thing.

In case you were wondering, I am not the only one to be doing this: Adam Tow, Newton as muse, and Jeremy Speaks. Other people are using Newtons to play mp3's or as web servers. In fact the obsolete Newton is getting better press now than when it was still alive.

Posted by Ozguru at April 29, 2003 01:04 AM
