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May 11, 2003

New sites

Found a couple of interesting sites. One is the amazing News is Crappy.

A couple of gems on the site today included:

Monkeys Don't Write Shakespeare: "Researchers at Plymouth University in England reported this week that primates left alone with a computer attacked the machine and failed to produce a single word." The researchers were all trying to get their doctorates in "what the hell are you thinking"--I think we can all nod in agreement that the degrees are well earned.

Saudis Seek 19 Suspected of Terrorist Plot: The problem seems to be wading out all the other terrorists in Saudi Arabia... Tough to find just 19.

I also found a section on another web site: The Truth Laid Bare. This section of the sites details a sort of blog ecosystem with some 2192 blogs listed (and I am not one of them - at least not yet!). So a quick word to all those bored people looking on Google and ending up here ... try the previous link for a couple of weeks worth of reading material.

Posted by Ozguru at May 11, 2003 04:05 PM


Whoa. Nice catch. That's what I get for template hacking at 2am. :) It's just 'News Is Crappy' now. Good to hear you like the site!

Posted by: Jon Gales at May 11, 2003 04:05 PM