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May 15, 2003

New European President

Apparently an apple employee is the new president of Europe. His prime aim is to get the Apple Music Store working in his domain.
"As head of Europe, I have only one interest, which is to launch [iTunes Music Store] in Europe"
OK. I have finally worked out what all the kerfuffle with the governer-general is about. Ignore the concept of "innocent until proven guilty", we have to have him removed so that we can replace him with an Apple Australia employee so that we can get the music store going here as well.....

On a more serious note, I think that this trend towards trial by media is getting dangerous. Kermit (former premier of NSW) stood down after allegations which turned out to be false. George Pell (Catholic archbishop of Sydney) was forced to do the same (and was again found innocent) and now the GG. The courts exist to hear such allegations and make a judgement. If these people are found to be guilty then there is a case to remove them from public office. As long as there is no such finding, leave them alone.

Posted by Ozguru at May 15, 2003 05:05 AM
