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May 15, 2003

Iraqi Scams

Came across an interesting scam yesterday. It is an obvious ripoff of the traditional nigerian scam but translated into Iraq. To make it extra attractive to "Freedom Fries" eaters, it centers around dubious transactions between the Iraqi government and the French! Some moron is undoubtedly going to feel that they can kill two birds with one stone here - get rich and embarass the French.

Now before you all get excited - this is a SCAM. Do not respond to them. Do not send them email. They will rip you off!

Text of scam, including spelling mistakes (taken from posting on Inessential - link above):

Dear Sir,
I have made this contact to you with the hope that you can help me out in this my dilemma / problem. I was the personal aide to the Iraqi minister of education and research. Dr Abd Al-khaliq Gafar. That died in the war. Before the war, we had traveled to France to negotiate a contract payment deal on behalf of the Iraqi government on procurement and payment of educational materials and components for the ministry, which entailed him to pay off our customers by cash for onward delivery of the goods via Turkey. Because of international / UN monetary restrictions /sanction on Iraqi. Since our entire operating bank accounts had been frozen.

In gust of this he had cleverly diverted this sum ($28.5m) for himself and secured it properly with a security vault in Spain for safekeeping. As he had kept these documents in hidden and secret with my knowledge. Now that he is Dead and I was able to escape to Egypt for safety on political asylum with this document with me now. Hence I am left with these problems of how to recover and collect this fund for re-invest in a viable venture in your country with your assistance and cooperation. Because of oblivious traveling restricts and sanctions as an Iraqi.

I would really want us to do this deal together if only you can be trusted with this information and project. For more details do reach me via my direct email : el.mus@voila.fr for further instructions and details. I most remind you that my entire life depends on this fund so please do not relay this top secret to a third party if you are not interested.

I await you immediate response.

Remain Blessed.

El - Mustapha .

Posted by Ozguru at May 15, 2003 08:05 PM
