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May 17, 2003

Men are from Mars

Due to the rain, the buses were crowded and slow. Part-way along the bus route the police and fire brigades were pumping water out of Centennial Park which closed the bus roadway and a couple of lanes. As you can imagine, this did not help with the traffic.

Anyway there were two interesting discussions next to me. Two gents standing in the aisle (as I was) were catching up along the lines of: "Oh I haven't seen you for years". After a bit of roundabout discussion (my fitness plan is better than your fitness plan, my car is smaller than yours, etc), the two settled to discussing other friends in common and the tone was one of friendly inquiry: "What's Fred up to now?".

Sitting nearby were two women playing the same (almost) catchup game" "Oh darling, it's been simply ages and what have you done to your hair?" They two started to discuss old acquaintances but the tone was a lot less friendly: "You wouldn't believe what that old cow is doing now!".

Posted by Ozguru at May 17, 2003 05:05 AM
